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Saturday, November 14, 2009

After a long long week

It has been a exhasting few weeks. I recently got back from Maryland with Alex and my Aunt Dawn. We had a complete blast. The ride down was extremely tiring but atleast I had ask for company. It was a beautiful ride down there, I had never traveled through Pennsylvania and Maryland before. We got there and got our boogie on at the Good Faerie's Ball. All of us got dressed up and danced until our feet ached. The next day we shopped and played some fun games. Alex and I got to play "werewolf" and survived!! That night be again got out boogie on at the Bad Faerie's Ball. The costumes were outstanding, I couldn't believe the creativity people have! The ride back has tiring and very sad to drop off Alex and have to go back home.

I've uploaded picture on Facebook

After a week of midterms it was nice to get back to classes without the worry. I have two giant term papers to write and it's stressing me out. I keep meaning to sit down and finish them up, but there always seems to be some crazyness keeping me from doing that. I also got to sign up for new classes on Wednesday. My brand new schedule is:

Monday: English 226 & Math 169

Tuesday: Bio 103

Wednesday: English 226 & Math 169

Thursday: Bio 103 & Bio lab

Saturday: Winter Field Study

Yes I have a class on saturday! It's crazy. But atleast it will be an amazing class. Today I went out and went to the craft show in Saline. I bought a few little things but also brought home a "new" member of the family. I haven't named her yet, but she was to cute to ignore. *giggles* new member

I'm also super excited for my upcoming trip to Disney world with Mike. It's going to be the best trip EVER!! That's all for now!


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