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Thursday, May 31, 2012



I have wanted to get fit FOREVER, but sitting on my butt and pigging out sadly doesn't help. The biggest thing I ever did, was run two miles freshman year in gym. I even sucked at that. So first we tried P90:

They claimed that they would get you in shape. So I decided to go along with it. It was 90 days of the same workouts day after day. Now believe me, it wasn't easy. The first time I tried it, I thought I was going to die. I made it through the 90 days, but really wanted to try something a little more extreme. 

I'm sure you've seen the infomercial for P90X.
The EXTREME Home Fitness workout. Once I got the money I decided let's do this. I've got the whole summer to dedicate to this, why not. Now they promise you a body of awesomeness at the end. Just like hers. What they don't advertise is how much pain you'll be in while attempting these workouts. 

So I came armed with dumbbells, vitamins, protein powders, protein meal bars, post workout powder, spiru-tein shake powder, mat, chin up bar, and the most important a fighting attitude. 


My P90X Daily Food Regimen

New start!

I'm Back!!

After a year of being on blog hiatus I've decided to start back up. I'm doing this for myself, it will be a public diary to rant and rave. I've found this is also a wonderful way to remember what I've done. My hope is that someone out there might get something from my blog, but if not that's fine too.
The main reason I've come back to blogging is for my goals in life. I want to be fit and healthy. Maybe this blog will keep me inspired to stay in that direction. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.